After dinner, Susie invited me to dance and she put on some fast rock records. As she took my hand and brought me to the middle of the living room she said emphatically "I'll lead!" I had a hard time at first trying to rock 'n roll in heels but was soon keeping up with Susie.

"How about something a little slower, for us old folks," said Mrs. Wales, getting up and putting some Frank Sinatra records on the turntable. "Care to dance?" she said to my mother, holding out her hand.

I saw my mother hesitate and then was glad to see her take Mrs. Wales' hand and let her pull her to her feet.

"Oh, why not! I can't remember the last time I've danced." Susie and I danced wrapped around each other. Susie had put her hand gently on the back of my head and pushed it down to her shoulder. I saw that my mother and Mrs. Wales were dancing and talking, at first, but after the third number my mother rested her cheek on Mrs. Wales' shoulder. I was so glad to see my mother happy and obviously enjoying herself.

We switched partners a couple of times with me dancing with Mrs. Wales and my mother with Susie. I saw that the fourth bottle of wine was almost empty. We were all feeling pretty mellow.

"I can see you like dancing with an old lady," Mrs. Wales whispered in my ear as she ever so slowly moved her pelvis around my very hard dick. I had debated wearing a panty girdle but had decided that I was already encumbered enough and besides, with all the petticoats there was no way an erection could be detected. I had not counted on dancing so closely.

"You look ravishing, Danielle my dear," she continued. "When I saw you walk through the door tonight I wanted nothing more than to take you to my bedroom and have you for dinner! You know, my pussy has been wet all night from looking at you."

I was blushing at these remarks and scared to death that either Susie or my mother would ask what we were whispering about. And still I did not want to pull away from this gorgeous woman whose breasts stared up at me.

"You could suck it up with a straw, there's so much," she said, grinding against me.

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By Kammi Morton

I was in danger of exploding into my petticoats when fortunately the record came to an end. It was decided to have a "last dance" to a beautiful rendition of "Unchained Melody" during which Susie and I and Mom and Mrs. Wales hugged our partners as tightly as we could and just swaedy back and forth to the music. At the finish, as if we had been directed to, Susie kissed me long and hard on the lips and her mother did the same to my mother.

We did not speak on the drive home, each of us relishing what had happened this evening. I felt like Cinderella going from being an abused maid to these two women all week to a, well, it was how I felt, a princess! I wondered how my mother felt.


The next day we pretty much lounged around all day in our nighties and robes. Mom had asked me when we got home if I wanted to wear a slumber cap to protect my hairdo and I gladly accepted. I thought at the time that I would have loved to have kept my glamorous 'do all week and then get it done in an equally elegant style next week. Yes, despite all the preparations and discomfort needed to look pretty, I was hooked like an addict to drugs. I found myself going to sleep humming the tune from Flower Drum Song "I Enjoy Being A Girl"!


When I finished my week with Susie (and her mother!) it was Linda's turn. She, like Becky and Karen, decided that her Mom would not understand a boy wearing dresses and acting as her maid and so I was introduced as Danielle, a new girl at school that was being initiated into the girls' "club". This presented a whole new set of obstacles to overcome.

My typical day started early when I had to get up and, aside from the normal morning routine, set up the ironing board to press the panties that I had worn the day before and hung to dry overnight after hand washing them before going to bed. Naturally, my mother, seizing the opportunity, quite often had me iron something of hers "while you're at it".

At school, I had to seek out whatever girl I was maid to that week and return the panties, receive the new ones for

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